Altive | First-class Private Alternative Investment Platform
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Access institutional-grade Private Market Investments at your fingertips
Start Small Invest Big - High Return Potential with Small Ticket Size
Global portfolio of Pre-IPO unicorns, private equity, private credit and private REIT Funds
Low investment minimums of USD$10,000
Invested by

Traditional V.S. Alternative

Asset Classes



Volatility and Return

Traditional Investment

Equities, bonds & cash in public market

High liquidity profile

High correlation to markets

Higher volatility

Alternative Investment

Private equity, private credit, private REITS and others

Liquidity depends on product asset classes

Low correlation to markets

Lower volatility with higher potential returns

Traditional Investment

Alternative Investment

Asset Classes

Equities, bonds & cash in public market

Private equity, private credit, private REITS and others


High liquidity profile

Liquidity depends on product asset classes


High correlation to markets

Low correlation to markets

Volatility and Return

Higher volatility

Lower volatility with higher potential returns

Altive removes your hurdle to enter the Private Market in one click
Lower entry barrier to private market products to US$10,000
Access to exclusive top-tier private market deals sourced globally
Seamless and secure digital platform
Exceptional returns amidst market volatility

Build your private investment portfolio. Get in touch.

Explore and Invest in Private Markets
Diversify your portfolio and enhance returns with a wide-range of Alternative Investments options
Pre-IPO Placement
Private sale of large blocks of shares in private companies which target to be publicly listed.
Private Unicorn Shares
Extraordinary startup companies, typically backed by VC in disrupting industries.
Private Equity Fund
Directly invest in companies. Alternative form of private financing.
Hedge Fund
Managed Alternative Investments that employ non-traditional strategies.
Private Credit
Debts held by or extended to private companies.
Real Assets
Physical assets such as real estate, energy, and infrastructure.
Venture Capital Funds
Pooled investment funds of startups and SME with strong growth potential.
"The private market is bigger and growing almost twice as fast as the public. I would advise most clients to allocate 30-50% of their portfolio to private markets."
Richard WilliamsonPreviously General Manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Explore Alternative Investments with Altive

FAQ about Altive

We are currently only open to Professional Investors (PI). You may refer to the definition of PI here.

Yes - you can register as an investor from other countries, subject to our KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) process. Contact us to learn more about your eligibility.

You can usually start investing in high-quality institutional financial products with Altive from as low as US$10,000. The minimum investment size might vary depending on each offering.

You can create an Altive account with your email and phone number on our platform here which only takes a few minutes. Our specialist will contact you shortly to get started. Once you are verified as a Professional Investor, you can start investing via your Altive account.

There are no fees associated with opening an Altive account. Nonetheless, they may be fees associated with subscribing to our products.

To start investing with Altive, you will be required to submit some essential documents required by law. These include (but are not limited to) your identity documents, proof of residential address and Professional Investor related asset proof. You can easily upload all the required documents on our digital platform.

Altive is a first-class alternative investment platform. Altive sources, screens, manages and unlocks institutional quality alternative investment opportunities for professional investors.
@2024 Altive Limited. All rights reserved.
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This Website and any information contained herein has not been reviewed by Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission or any other regulatory authority, and is made available by Altive Limited (hereafter “Altive”) for Professional Investors’ general information only and not for any other purpose. For the avoidance of doubt, the term “Professional Investor” refers to and covers Professional Investors as defined under the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong, Wholesale Clients within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of Australia, Professional Investors as defined under Securities and Futures Act of Singapore, or other relevant respective local jurisdictions. The Viewer proclaims himself/herself as a Professional Investor by continuing to access the Website. The Viewer agrees that this website shall be used solely as reference, or for informational use and not for any other purposes, commercial or otherwise. Altive is an asset management company licensed with the Securities and Futures Commission (CE no. BPK587) to carry on business in Type 4 (advising on securities) and Type 9 (asset management) regulated activities in Hong Kong under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571). The information contained in this website is not intended and shall not be used or construed as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy, securities of any fund or other investment product in any jurisdiction. The information contained herein is qualified in its entirety by the terms applicable to the investment funds as set out in its constitutive and offering documents (“Fund Documents”) and should be read together with such Fund Documents. Neither Altive nor any of its officers, directors, agents and employees makes any warranty, express or implied, of any kind related to the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or the use of information on this site. The information in this Website is not intended and should be construed as investment, tax, legal, financial or other advice. Altive holds exclusive and rightful ownership of the intellectual and proprietary rights to all opinions, concepts, ideas, work products, and the like, related to or as a result of the General Information and contents in this Website.